Monday, December 27, 2021


Rosemary Ogilvie has kindly agreed to take over from Pamela to organise Wednesday bounce games for the remainder of the winter. 

The draw would be done indicating the person who would book; hopefully mainly in threes.  When the draw is done if you are not available you would let the person booking know.

The dates for January are 12th,19th and 26th.

If wishing to play on any of the above dates, please email .  Last date for entry into January draw is 4th January. 
 An email will come out with all the groups.

Lets hope that the weather remains kind for golf in January.

Morag Cunningham

Friday, December 10, 2021

Christmas Cracker Results

 Wednesday turned out to be a lovely morning for golf despite the doom and gloom of the forecast.

24 ladies played the 9 holes in various forms of Xmas dress, some more outrageous than others, but everyone enjoyed the golf.  A total of 38 enjoyed the Xmas lunch in the Castle Room which looked really festive thanks to Leanna's hard work.

The winning team with 24 points were Anne Robinson, Mary Hardie and Fiona Aitken and the runners up with 23 points were Sheila Biggart, Helen Abram and Alison Templeton.  The winner of the best outfit went to Margaret Parrott.

Thank you to everyone who played Spot the Ball - won by Fiona Aitken - which resulted in £53.00 being sent to the Red Cross.  An extra thank you to Fiona for donating her winnings back to the Charity.

Thursday, December 09, 2021


It is with great sadness that I have to report that Anne Nicoll died last night.  I'm sure we all remember her for her positive attitude and kindness, and our thoughts are with her family.

Wednesday, December 08, 2021


Having looked at 3 weather forecasts I think we should be in luck for golf today!  Enjoy!

Friday, December 03, 2021


There will be an opportunity for you to win £25 at the Christmas lunch on Wednesday!

British Red Cross are raising funds and we have the chance to help.  Just write your name in a box, on a grid, to guess where the golf ball could be.   Each guess will cost  £1.00 so be sure to have some actual cash with you when you come for Lunch.  For someone to win £25.00, Red Cross will also get £25.00 so your £1.00 goes a long way.

Looking forward to seeing you at the club.