The Ladies Section 80th AGM was held this evening with a "Winter Wonderland" backdrop. Given the snow, there was a very good turnout to hear Lady Captain Helen Abram review the year. Retiring from the committee were Mary Hardie, Fiona Scott, Sheila Gray, Vivien Howe and Margaret Gray. Thank you ladies!
4 new committee members were elected, Lesley Robertson, Marilynn Muirhead, Jane Dickie and Marilyn Mirner. Welcome ladies!
The new Lady Captain Agnes Williamson took the the chair and proceeded with the remaining business of the evening. She was delighted to announce Karin Mckenzie as her Vice-Captain.
On completion of the prizes, the Ladies Champion, Natasha Qayum, gave an excellent Vote of Thanks and then tea and chocolate brownies were served.
Finally, should you wish to hear our moment of fame, on this morning's Chris Evans Radio 2 show we got a mention!. Visit his website and listen to his 14th January programme, we are mentioned within the first few minutes --- 2 minutes to be exact . Intrigued? Good..:) It is available to listen to for the next 6 days.. so dont delay! -- Click on the links above