Tuesday, March 15, 2016


In case some of you would like to play in the Ladies/Gents Texas Scramble on Sat.26th March but do not have either a team or a partner, there is a list in the Locker room for you to sign up on.  Paul will put you in a team so not to worry.  He is keen to have as many mixed teams as possible.

An email was sent out to all members regarding the Members' Forum on Wed 30th March when Scottish Golf's local Development Officer - Claire Middleton - will be hosting the evening.  This will allow you to put forward the areas you would like the Club to focus on and is the next step on from the  Members Questionnaire.  It is hoped that as many as possible will register interest with Ronnie but so far we only have 4 Ladies names.  Remember it is your club and this is your chance to let the Board know what you would like it to concentrate on in the future.

The Committee has posted a notice on the Notice Board looking for volunteers who would be prepared to commit to playing in the lunchtime ballot on specific dates.  This is an attempt to prevent any member  from being the only player at lunch time.   Members will still have to notify Tom of their intention to play before 1pm on the Tuesday and the Volunteer would then be able to check with Tom whether or not they would be required the next day.  A full explanation is provided with the notice in the locker room.  If you are happy to volunteer for any of the dates could you please add your names to the list.  Thank you in anticipation.