Saturday 18th January saw the Ladies section host the 90th AGM. Approximately 45 ladies gathered in the dining room where Captain Jan welcomed everyone. Various reports were given covering events of the past year before Jan introduced Gillian Donaghy as her Vice Captain and welcomed her to the post. 2019 was a difficult year for Jan with no Vice Captain but, with the help of many of the members, she survived and is generously giving her time to continue as Captain for anoher year. She thanked both Sheila Biggart and Marion Munro for their services as they departed from the committee and welcomed Anne Gordon and Helen Abram as new members to replace them.
A congratulations Birthday card was sent to Ronnie MacLaren who has reached the grand age of 100, our oldest Past Captain.
The meeting continued with Jan presenting the prizes and Trophies to the winners from the last seasons golf.
Finally two dates for next month were given for people to put in their diary:-
Wed 19th February - Afternoon Tea event and Wed 26th February - Bridge Afternoon.
Look out for sheets in the locker room to sign up if you are interested and further information will follow shortly.