There will no doubt be an all-club email out this week, but I wanted to set out the arrangements for this year's Ladies Final, which will of necessity be somewhat different in the current COVID climate.
The Finals Day timetable will follow last year, with the ladies final teeing off at 12.40pm.
This year's final is a repeat of last year with Denise Cowan and Jan Macnab competing for the Championship title.
In view of the current restrictions and guidelines, the following arrangements will be in place:
1) There will be no caddies, with players having to handle their own equipment.
2) In addition to the Referee, each group will have an individual (gloves-wearing) Flag Attender who can remove the flag if either player wishes.
3) Each group will have a bunker raker, who will carry their own assigned rake.
4) Spectators are welcome, but everyone must use their common sense and adhere to the current government social distancing guidelines.